New year’s resolutions, continued…


“When you reach for the stars you may not quite get one, but you won’t come up with a handful of mud either.” – Leo Burnett

This was the first quote I ever quoted.  I was in grade 11 in high school and had to write the foreword for our school yearbook.  It had to include a message to the grade 12 pupils finishing school that year.  For some reason I had this urge to share something really profound with them.  Some knowledge or secret that would forever have an influence on the people they were to become.  I didn’t quite know what (probably the only thing I didn’t know at 17!), but I knew it had to be motivational, inspirational.

So off I went in the search of some quotes.  And when I got to the Leo Burnett quote, it just felt right.  It resonated with me then, even as a teenager.  It affirmed that I could try anything I wanted.  And it gave me solace that in times when I have tried my all and I don’t end up on top, that it would be OK too, because at least it meant that I would be better off than if I did not try at all.  I liked it so much that it also ended up being my words of wisdom to the grade 12’s.

Fast forward back to now, to the pending new year.

After my mini meltdown about the pressures of new year’s resolutions I’ve spent a few days thinking about what it really is that I would like to achieve in 2016.  And out of nowhere the Leo Burnett quote popped into my head.  Sure, I want to lose weight, eat healthy, improve my skin care regime, be a better person, work harder, be a better wife, daughter, sister, friend, save all the lost dogs in the world, learn to cook better, create an amazing blog… but what does it really mean?  What is it that I would really like to achieve?  What will make me happy at the end of 2016?  When will I look back and not be disappointed by all the things I started on Monday and stopped on Wednesday?

“When you reach for the stars you may not quite get one, but you won’t come up with a handful of mud either.”

That’s it, really.  In the end what really makes me feel content is when I feel I am the best me I can possibly be.  And the best me is the me who knows in her heart that she tried and gave her best at whatever it is she thought was worth trying.  And then it’s OK if I don’t quite get there (like the size 8 jeans I’ve been saving in my cupboard  for years now!!) because if I gave it my all and still don’t catch that star, I know that I am more than what I was before.

So here’s to 2016!  To being me, to reach for the stars in everything I do.  To be more (and maybe a little bit less in certain areas)! To live life to the fullest.



About new year’s resolutions…


With the new year just around I corner, I really can’t believe (wait for the cliché…) how fast this year has gone.

This, of course, signals the start of the anxiety and pressure of the new year’s resolution list. You have hardly come up with them, given yourself a few “Mondays” throughout the year to get started on them, and all of a sudden January stares you in the face again! Now, at the end of the year, not only do you have the dubious pleasure of ticking off all those you got to (the majority, mostly… sort of….), but you also get to experience the joy when you move those you didn’t quite get to, to the NEW new year’s list… so that you can combine it with the list of brand new resolutions that you came up with that are REALLY realistic for you to achieve this time around.

I feel a sweat coming already. The pressure!!  But there is still time before you have to turn that new leaf …

Because technically you can’t start with your new year’s resolutions on the 1st of January (well, not with the losing weight, exercising and eating healthy ones in any case. Oh, and the no drinking one.) Because the 1st is still a public holiday, you know. You can probably start on the 2nd, but it would be better if the 2nd happens to be a Monday as well. Because all new things that a person needs to start with, works better on a Monday.

Does that mean that a Monday trumps the start of the new year? It’s a tough one. If the 2nd of January is on a Monday, then they are completely equal. You’ve got to take that new leaf and run like the wind. However, if the 2nd is not on a Monday, the first Monday of the new year will suffice, except if the first Monday happens to be the 1st. (And I’ve already explained why the 1st is just not even an option at all.)

Oh, the demands of life.

I think I need to consider my new year’s resolutions carefully. No better way to do this then to have a glass (or few) of wine. And a chocolate. And some chips. And those salt biscuits (the full pack that is still in the cupboard).  With some cheese.

Because of course you have to clear out the cupboards now in order to start afresh in 2016!

Food for thought